Welcome to Ripples in the Sand, a podcast series featuring poetry readings and interviews with Drifting Sands poets—hosted by Sangita Kalarickal.
Sangita Kalarickal
Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Poet and writer, Sangita Kalarickal has been wordsmithing and honing her craft in the forms of poetry and fiction which have been published in several e-magazines, and anthologies. She utilizes her left brain at her day job in technology. Currently, Sangita spends much of her free time studying and honing her skills in her latest obsession, haiku. Living in the midwest, USA, she is blessed to be surrounded by natural beauty and stark seasonal differences that can feed her ku. Ever since she embarked on her journey as a hajin, in mid-2021, her haiku, senryu, tanka, and haibun have been published in several magazines.