Shades of Green

Let’s go for a walk; a walk around your local wood or park. It’s early morning and there’s only you and maybe one or two dog walkers about. The grass is still wet with dew. You follow a pathway through the bluebells. There’s hardly a sound. Weak sunshine filters through the branches. You breathe the fresh air – and smell the scent of pine trees. Presently you come to a small clearing; The air is cool, but comfortable. You pause for a moment. The leaves on the trees shift and sway in the gentle breeze making a moving dappled pattern on the ground before you. The sun warms your face. Your eyes close …

Continue your walk and listen, really listen – you hear the sounds of the day waking up; and birds singing. Just a few at first then more birds as you tune in. You are surrounded by birdsong. What birds do you hear – perhaps a Song Thrush, a Willow Warbler and isn’t that a Wren. What you hear is down to you as you add in some of your favourite birdsongs to the mix. Play them together, yes together (a nifty quirk of WordPress). Create your own soundscape …

Enjoy your walk!

“Common Whitethroat (Sylvia communis)” xeno-canto Michael John O Mahony
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The birdsong recordings are used here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs4.0 license. These and many more can be found at – Xeno-Canto a website dedicated to sharing bird sounds from all over the world.

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